Frequently asked questions

  1. Login or Create a new account by using the login/register button at the top. Fill in all the required details to create your account or to login.
  2. Click on the “Submit Listing” button at the top or the floating “sell” button at the bottom right.
  3. A one-time email verification will be needed. Click on ‘verify’ when you see the message.
  4. Click the ‘GET NEW’ button to get a code in your email inbox or spam folder (it takes a minute). Copy and paste the code and click the ‘VERIFY EMAIL’ button.
  5. Choose the appropriate package as your product category and click the submit button on the desired package.
  6. Fill in the listing details. Choose the category, sub-category, location, add a description, and fill in all relevant fields. Click the “Submit New Listing” button.
  7. Your first 6 listings are free! For additional paid listings, simply fill in the billing details and click the “Place order” button. Make the payment via the Poli portal through your bank.
  8. Your listing is now submitted for review and will be published upon approval.
  9. Now let buyers contact you. Keep an eye on your “My Dashboard” page or Email inbox for messages from potential buyers.
  10. Sell to them directly – No sell-on fees!
  • Meet the seller in a safe environment.
  • Do not pay without receiving the product.
  • Do not share any details that do not pertain to the transaction.
  • Always check the product you are buying diligently.
  • Remember, we never facilitate buying-selling transactions.
  • You can continue to post as many listings as you want by following the same process as your first listing.

  • Every listing you post goes through a reviewing process to make sure no illicit content is being sold on the website. Listings will be reviewed and published within 24 hours of submitting.
  • Remember, each time you edit the listing it will go through the review process as well.
  1. Click on ‘My listings’ option under your profile photo in the top right corner.
  2. Click on the ‘options’ button under settings.
  3. Here you have the options to:
    1. Edit your listing,
    2. Preview your lisiting,
    3. Hide your listing,
    4. Delete your listing.

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